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B.I.G.CD®CP interview with Rita Booker Solymosi

1. August 2010

The Future of Coaching

This is the English language version of my Q & A with Annemarie Kruse. In this interview, I describe the rationale behind the Booker International Global Cultural Detective® Coaching Program, it’s significance for the intercultural coaching industry and my vision for the program’s future.

On Monday morning, we filmed an English language and German language version of the same interview. Pop E.B. is  currently editing the German version; it should be posted by the beginning of next week. We are currently planning to film and post French and Romanian language interviews in the coming weeks.

I think this subject should be of interest to anyone who is committed to life-long learning, thought leadership, non-violent conflict resolution and intercultural communication education. In the wake of the many macro- and micro-sociopolitical and economic global conflicts we witness and experience daily, this kind of intercultural communication coursework should be absolutely mandatory for managers, negotiators and administrators who are in the position of making decisions that impact the lives of thousands, or even millions of people around the world, every single day.

Please do stay tuned…

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3 Comments leave one →
  1. Dianne permalink
    3. August 2010 18:57

    It is a terrific program that you are putting together, Rita, and should be incredibly useful to so many.

  2. 3. August 2010 19:44

    This is what YOU have inspired me for, amongst many other things, dear Dianne. Looking forward to see you in Jordan for the beginning of the second season in December!

  3. 10. August 2010 12:50

    Terrific program you are giving birth here. It surely can be of great help to those european business that are opening offices abroad.
    Glad to hear Argentine Composer Lalo Shifrin in the “Mission Impossible” introduction to your interview.
    + Lalo Schifrin (* 21. Juni 1932 in Buenos Aires; bürgerlicher Name: Boris Claudio Schifrin) ist ein argentinischer Pianist, Komponist, Arrangeur und Dirigent. Zu seinen bekanntesten Kompositionen zählen die Titelthemen der Serien Kobra, übernehmen Sie (Originaltitel: Mission: Impossible) und Mannix.
    Congratulations !

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